Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2+2 equals five

'2+2 must always be 4', Henryk Tomaszewski, Poljska, 1989

In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell used the slogan ‘2 plus 2 equals five’ as a demonstration of the false dogma and absurdity expounded by a totalitarian state. In response, the protagonist of the novel, Will Smith, claims that ‘Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four’. ‘Two plus two equals five’ was originally a communist slogan in the USSR suggesting that the goals of the first five year plan could be achieved a year early if people worked harder. Tomaszewski was one of the greatest masters of the Polish Poster School, which was renowned from the 1950s for its painterly approach, irony and visual metaphor.

Péter Pócs, Mađarska, 1989

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